I have had two opportunities to speak on the Dr. S Mind, Body & Soul "What is your Truth?" Talk Radio Show. He is always such an inspirational and willing to not only share his experiences, but take the experiences and expertise of others and apply it to his life so that he may share with others. Not only does he strive to improve his Mind, Body and Soul connection, he wants that for all of his listeners and guests. As the founder of Clarity Out Loud, I greatly look forward to collaborating with Dr. S in sharing the positive effects of using meditation, essential oils and yoga to inspire people who want to connect their mind, body and soul.
CEO and Founder of O.C.D. - Organize - Customize - Design Neesa Larocca- I can't even begin to express how grateful I am to have Dr. S in my professional business life. His positive energy, wisdom and guidance has become such a blessing in my daily life as well. As a professional business woman and a professioal organizer has many challenges learning that everyone has their own daily struggles. After listening to the Dr. S radio show and webinars, I also attended his workshop I am now able to apply different strategies on how to help myself and my clients to Grow and Thrive. Don't wait another day to contact him and start transforming your life and business!!!!
Mayra Torres Founder / Owner of Forever In My Heart Company website: Forever-in-my-heart.com: My experience attending workshops and listening daily to Dr. S Webinars are very informative and uplifting. Everything Dr. Sesto teaches is in way anyone can understand and easily apply it to their lives. As a professional business woman I attend a Dr. S workshop and it has personally helped me better to understand myself as a woman, wife, mother and an entrepreneur as well to accept and understand others. Thanks to Dr. S, I'm on my journey. A new journey a new me!!!!!!
Meoshie Pleasant C.C., R.N.- website:meoshiepleasant.com: Dr. S has been an inspriration of love and laughter in my life. He has intuitively been guided into my life to activate Truth into my personal and professional life. Dr. S speaks with such passionate inspiration and is guided by Spirit through which brings me to my living Truth!!!!

Celeste Moore Entrepreneur:www.celestemoore.myrandf.com-The Dr. S show has inspired me as a woman and a single mother. I started my own skin care line and I am always looking for ways to make me a better person. The Dr. S radio show and consulting/coaching services delves deep internal and external support as a business woman. I get great ideas for my growing business, but I also know that there is a support team at the tips of my fingers. Thank you Dr. S not only showcasing my business, but for showing other people out there that I am a real life person with everyday ups and downs.
Ronetta Liggett: ronetta@toppandtoppinsurance.com-Dr. S has and will always play an instrumental role in my life. He has always had a good word of inspiration, even when I didn't ask for it. Dr. S always seems to know what and how to say things in when you need to hear them. His energy is always positive and upbeat. Dr. S has an instinct tone that is calming and soothing. He has a unique way of presenting and making suggestions on situations that make me feel comfortable as an individual/professional woman. Dr. S and I have a connection that will forever be cherished.